ATC 용어집23 ATC 용어집 (o) 1. ON COURSE- a. Used to indicate that an aircraft is established on the route centerline. b. Used by ATC to advise a pilot making a radar approach that his/her aircraft is lined up on the final approach course. 활용) = established = join 2. OPTION APPROACH- An approach requested and conducted by a pilot which will result in either a touch-and-go, missed approach, low approach, stop-and-go, or ful.. 2017. 12. 27. ATC 용어집 (n) 1. NEGATIVE- "No," or "permission not granted," or "that is not correct." (cf) ↔ affirmative 2. NEGATIVE CONTACT- Used by pilots to inform ATC that: a. Previously issued traffic is not in sight. It may be followed by the pilot's request for the controller to provide assistance in avoiding the traffic. b. They were unable to contact ATC on a particular frequency. (cf) ↔ contact (눈으로나 레이더로나 포착 되었을.. 2017. 12. 27. ATC 용어집 (m) 1. Mach No - The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound 활용) Mach No이 1이하인 경우 Mach No 0.5 Mach point five, Mach No 1.5 One Point five 2. MAINTAIN- a. Concerning altitude/flight level, the term means to remain at the altitude/flight level specified. The phrase "climb and" or "descend and" normally precedes "maintain" and the altitude assignment; e.g., "descend and maintain 5,000." b. Concern.. 2017. 12. 27. ATC 용어집 (l) 1. Landing And Hold Short (Operation): LAHSO 활용) 착륙하는 항공기가 교차하는 RWY Taxiway 상의 Hold short point 전에 정지하는 Operation, 의무는 아님, 조종사가 거부가능 Hold short position↑ 2. Land Assured 활용) (IFR 조종사가 하는 말) (날씨가 괜찮으니) 착륙이 확실시 됨. 즉, 나 IFR flight plan Closing, IFR flight plan을 마감합니다 3. Leaving = Passing 활용) 수직 혹은 수평적으로 통과할 때 ex) what altitude passing now? : 어느 고도 지나가싶니까? Tip) out of ~ : ~을 통과할 때 e.g. out of 2,900 .. 2017. 12. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음