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ATC 용어집

ATC 용어집 (s)

by 하늘이_ 2018. 1. 7.

1. SAFETY ALERT- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. The controller may discontinue the issuance of further alerts if the pilot advises he/she is taking action to correct the situation or has the other aircraft in sight.

a. Terrain/Obstruction Alert- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to terrain/obstructions; e.g., "Low Altitude Alert, check your altitude immediately."

b. Aircraft Conflict Alert- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware of an aircraft that is not under their control at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places both aircraft in unsafe proximity to each other. With the alert, ATC will offer the pilot an alternate course of action when feasible; e.g., "Traffic Alert, advise you turn right heading zero niner zero or climb to eight thousand immediately."

Note: The issuance of a safety alert is contingent upon the capability of the controller to have an awareness of an unsafe condition. The course of action provided will be predicated on other traffic under ATC control. Once the alert is issued, it is solely the pilot's prerogative to determine what course of action, if any, he/she will take.


1) Terrain/Obstruction Alert : CFIT 방지, Low Altitude Alert, check your altitude immediately.

2) Aircraft Conflict Alert : Vectoring이나 Vertical Separation으로 분리

2. SAY AGAIN- Used to request a repeat of the last transmission. Usually specifies transmission or portion thereof not understood or received; e.g., "Say again all after ABRAM VOR."

활용) 사람들이 잘 하지 않으려 하나 언제든지 사용하여라!

3. Say Speed -

4. SAY ALTITUDE- Used by ATC to ascertain an aircraft's specific altitude/flight level. When the aircraft is climbing or descending, the pilot should state the indicated altitude rounded to the nearest 100 feet.

활용) 5,000에서 8,000으로 고도 상승시 잠시 세웠다가 상승시키기 위해 물어보기도 함

ATC : What altitude passing now?

군 : Altitude를 angel로 쓰기도 함 (녹음 다시 확인할 것)

5. SAY HEADING- Used by ATC to request an aircraft heading. The pilot should state the actual heading of the aircraft.

활용) 선회방향을 바꾸기 위해 확인하거나 고도 확인을 하기 위해서 물어보기도 함

ATC : What heading turning now?

6. Say type of aircraft

활용) 항공기의 형식, 관제사의 관제일지 작성시 필요함

7. Say type of landing

활용) 관제사는 관제일지 작성시 필요함

ATC : say intention : 어떻게 착륙 할꺼야? (상황에 따라)

8. Short final

활용) 활주로 끝에서부터 1 mile 이내, 거의 가까울 경우 통상적으로 사용함

9. SIDESTEP MANEUVER- A visual maneuver accomplished by a pilot at the completion of an instrument approach to permit a straight-in landing on a parallel runway not more than 1,200 feet to either side of the runway to which the instrument approach was conducted.

ATC : Univ 32, report field in sight

Pilot : Tower, Univ 32 3DME inbound, Runway insight

ATC : Univ 32, Side step to runway 36R, cleared to land

10. Slant - slash

활용) FSS에서 비행계획서를 접수할 때 쓰는 말, 미국 비행계획서에서 항공기 형식과 장착된 장비를 쓸 수 있게 되어 있다. 장착된 장비에 따라서 항공기에 맞는 관제를 ATC가 제공할 수 있기 때문이다.

11. SQUAWK (Mode, Code, Function)- Activate specific modes/codes/functions on the aircraft transponder; e.g., "Squawk three/alpha, two one zero five, low."

12. Squawk Altitude - Mode Charlie

13. Stand by - 잠시 기다려라, Warming up

14. STOP AND GO- A procedure wherein an aircraft will land, make a complete stop on the runway, and then commence a takeoff from that point.

활용) 착륙 후 다시 이륙하는 것, Short field take off 훈련을 위하여서 사용, brake를 사용하며 Flap은 내리지 않는다. landing gear 쪽에 Weigh를 걸리게 하여 brake 효과를 크게 하기 위한다. air brake 효과보다는 brake 효과를 극대화 한다. Vx로 Climb 하여 장애물을 지난후 Vy로 Climb 한다.

15. STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK- Used by ATC to inform an aircraft to turn-off the automatic altitude reporting feature of its transponder. It is issued when the verbally reported altitude varies 300 feet or more from the automatic altitude report.

활용) Mode C 기능만 끈다. Transponder를 On에 놓는다

16. STOP SQUAWK (Mode or Code)- Used by ATC to tell the pilot to turn specified functions of the aircraft transponder off.

활용) 완전히 Off한다


활용) 군에서 쓰는 음어, 통신 Jamming 하는 것을 그만 하라는 말

18. STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR- Entry into the traffic pattern by interception of the extended runway centerline (final approach course) without executing any other portion of the traffic pattern.

활용) IFR에서 ↔ Course reversal

19. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING- A landing made on a runway aligned within 30° of the final approach course following completion of an instrument approach.

활용) IFR에서 ↔ Circle to landing

20. Straight out : Straight Ahead

활용) 이륙 하자마자 Runway heading으로 나가는 것


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