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ATC 용어집

ATC 용어집 (e)

by 하늘이_ 2017. 12. 22.

1. EXECUTE MISSED APPROACH - Instructions issued to a pilot making an instrument approach which means continue inbound to the missed approach point and execute the missed approach procedure as described on the Instrument Approach Procedure Chart or as previously assigned by ATC. The pilot may climb immediately to the altitude specified in the missed approach procedure upon making a missed approach. No turns should be initiated prior to reaching the missed approach point. When conducting an ASR or PAR approach, execute the assigned missed approach procedure immediately upon receiving instructions to "execute missed approach." → Instruction을 받자마자 실행한다

(Refer to AIM.)

활용) = Go around : 복행, 터지 다운 없이 바로 가는 것

관제사의 지시/ 조종사의 의도

관제사의 의도로 missed approach 할 경우

1) execute missed Approach as published : 차트대로 하세요

2) 관제사가 지시하는 대로, Vectoring 해 줌

Pilot의 의도로 missed approach 할 경우

Pilot이 착륙하려 하나 Minimum(DA/DH) 까지 내려와도 활주로가 아무리해도 보이지 않을 때 접근 차트를 참고하여 한다. execute missed approach as published

Tip) GO AROUND- Instructions for a pilot to abandon his/her approach to landing. Additional instructions may follow. Unless otherwise advised by ATC, a VFR aircraft or an aircraft conducting visual approach should overfly the runway while climbing to traffic pattern altitude and enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. A pilot on an IFR flight plan making an instrument approach should execute the published missed approach procedure or proceed as instructed by ATC; e.g., "Go around" (additional instructions if required).

DA : Decision Altitude(MSL로부터), DH : Decision Height(threshold elevation)로써 정밀 접근으로 이 고도에 다다른후 계속적인 접근을 불가능 하다고 판단되면 Missed approach가 실행되어야 하는 고도

2. Enter downwind(leg)(=join downwind : ICAO)

활용) 관제사가 separation과 편의를 위해서

Enter base : basewind로 바로 들어갈때

Straight in approach : RWY로 바로 들어 갈때

Straight out departure : RWY에서 바로 나갈때

Tip) SEGMENTED CIRCLE- A system of visual indicators designed to provide traffic pattern information at airports without operating control towers.

Exit without delay(=Vacate without delay : ICAO) : 지체없이 비켜달라

3. ESTABLISHED(on course_) - To be stable or fixed on a route, route segment, altitude, heading, etc

활용) = On Course = Join airway : Course에 올라탔다

4. EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE (EFC TIME)- The time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a clearance limit.

활용) Holding fix에서 holding 시킬 때 holding fix통과하면서 통신두절을 대비하여 EFC time을 준다. 조종사가 인가제한을 지나 인가를 받을때까지 기대할수 있는 시간

1) 통신두절시 : Holding Fix에서 Stacking하며 Holding pattern 중에 통신두절 시에는 관제사가 미리 준 EFC time에 Squwak 7600로 setting 후 스스로 알아서 Approach한다. 시간이 맞지 않을 경우에는 그 시간을 예상하여 Holding pattern의 시간을 조절한다.

2) 통신 두절이 아닐 경우 : EFC time정도에 Clearance 줄 것을 예상한다.

Tip) Standard Holding pattern : right pattern, total 4분

holding pattern 시에는 low cruise로 감속하여 연료를 save한다.

5. Extend downwind

활용) Seperation 즉, 시간을 벌기 위해서 downwind를 늘리는 것

(언제까지 Extend downwind 하는지 알고 싶을 때)

ATC : Univ32, extend downwind

Pilot : Tower, will you call my base?

ATC : affirmative

(cf) Make short approach

Tip ) MAKE SHORT APPROACH- Used by ATC to inform a pilot to alter his/her traffic pattern so as to make a short final approach. : Picture (↔Extend downwind)


6. EXPEDITE- Used by ATC when prompt compliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation. Expedite climb/descent normally indicates to a pilot that the approximate best rate of climb/descent should be used without requiring an exceptional change in aircraft handling characteristics.

활용) = Immediately : 긴급할 때 사용 e.g. expedite take off = take off Immediately

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